Simplified Due diligence & Compliance

Baseline due diligence for low to medium-risk entities and individuals.
Square Facts : Reduce fraud. Enhance trust. Stay compliant globally.

Know your business partners

Reduce fraud. Enhance trust. Stay compliant globally.

Do you want to build trust and operate a risk-free business?

This entry-level report steps in when international baseline due diligence is needed for potential clients, suppliers, vendors, and partners.

Streamline your simplified due diligence & compliance process

Discover how we can assist you in seamlessly integrating essential procedures to fulfil regulatory obligations.

Leverage the best technological tools to screen third-parties, saving time and costs tied to the vetting process.

Square Facts : simplified due diligence & compliance process
customized entry-level third-party screening report

Get your customized entry-level third-party screening report

Our structured report ensures compliance with AML, ABC, and CFT regulatory needs for low to medium risks partnerships.

This first-level report helps clients mitigate both the compliance risks and complexities that businesses face beyond the initial third-party screening.

Experience our fully managed service

The key benefits to streamlining your due diligence

Streamlined Regulatory Obligations

Seamlessly integrate steps to meet regulations.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Access the best tools with our API and machine learning.

Effective Onboarding and Monitoring​

Ensure efficient third-party screening and monitoring.

Protect Business Reputation

Maintain an audit trail for reputation protection.

KYC/AML-Centered Approach

Focus on third-party compliance with our solution.

KYC Datasets

A holistic approach for KYC compliance, leveraging key dataset checks to provide in-depth insights.

PEP Compliance Check

Identify Politically Exposed Persons and their associates for informed onboarding decisions. Ongoing monitoring ensures ongoing compliance at local, national, and global levels.

Adverse Media Check

Assess 20+ risk categories, including compliance, reputation, operational, jurisdiction, and ESG risks. Our search covers media databases and web 2.0 content from over 100,000sources.

International and National Sanctions Lists / Watchlists Check

Screen OFAC, EU, UK Treasury sanctions lists, and UN, EU, US, and UK designated person lists. Watchlists identify mentions in global warnings, financial authorities’ lists, and regulatory announcements.

Identification Check

Validate identification documents for individuals and incorporation documents for organizations as part of a ordinary KYC check.

This is a staging enviroment

Secure Your Spot for Our Exclusive Risk & Compliance Masterclass!

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

Join us on February 29, 2024, at 11 AM CET for a deep dive into Risk & Compliance Management. Our expert-led webinar will provide you with the essential knowledge and tools to conquer compliance challenges confidently.